Pengaruh stres, keteraturan makan, idan makanan minuman iritatif terhadap isindrom dispepsia pada mahasiswa angkatan 2019i Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah iMalang
Abstract. Background: Dyspepsia is icaused by many factors, among iof them are stress, regularity iof eating, and irritating beverage ifoods. First-level medical students ihave demands, activity density that iis quite high, and require iadaptation so that affect stress, iregularity of foods and consumption iof irritating beverage foods. Objective: iTo analyze the effect of istress, regularity of eating, and iirritating beverage foods to dyspepsia isyndrome in 2019 students of iFaculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah Malang iUniversity. Method: This research was icross sectional analytic observational study iwith simple random sampling. This iresearch took place at Faculty iof Medicine, Muhammadiyah Malang University iin November 2019 with totali 60 respondents. Data taken iby questionnaires were analyzed using ichi-square and logistic regression itest. Result: 65% students have istress, 61,7% have irregularity iof eating, 40% consume irritating ibeverage foods, and 76,7% suffer ifrom dyspepsia syndrome,. There is isignificant effect between dyspepsia syndrome iwith stress (p=0.022) and regularity iof eating (p=0.006). There is ino significant effect between irritating ibeverage foods with dyspepsia syndromei (p = 0.998). Conclusion: There is isignificant effect between stress and iregularity of eating on idyspepsia syndrome. There is no isignificant effect between irritating beverage ifoods and dyspepsia syndrome.
DOI: 10.24815/jks.v22i4.23539
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