Nutrition intake for smooth milk production in breastfeeding mother

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Introduction: Nutrition is an organism's process of using food that is normally consumed through the process of digestion, absorption, transportation, storage, metabolism and excretion of substances that are not used to maintain life, growth and normal function of organs and produce energy.

Main Text: Mother's milk is the right food source for babies, especially in the first month, which contains many important nutrients needed by babies to provide energy. Balanced nutrition for breastfeeding mothers must meet the needs for themselves and for the growth and development of the baby. Fulfillment of nutrition for breastfeeding mothers is the principle of fulfilling balanced nutrition. Balanced nutrition during breastfeeding is a very important requirement for breastfeeding mothers.

Conclusion: Nutrition in nursing mothers is closely related to the production of breast milk which is needed for the growth and development of the baby.


Balanced nutrition; Breastfeeding; Breastfeeding others; Nutrition


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DOI: 10.24815/jks.v23i3.33567


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