The Community Visit to the Community-Based Health Care Facility: A Phenomenology Study in Indonesia
Introduction: Indonesia is facing a double burden of health problems: the increasing incidence of infectious diseases and an increased incidence of non-communicable diseases. The Posbindu (Integrated Health Post) for Non-communicable Disease (NCD), in Indonesian called as Posbindu – PTM, program is one of the Indonesian government's efforts to prevent and reduce the number of cardiovascular and other NCDs.
Objective: This study explores the community's experience of visiting Posbindu -PTM.
Methods: This phenomenological qualitative study was conducted through unstructured interviews with 17 patients visiting the Posbindu - PTM in several villages across Aceh Besar Regency in Indonesia.
Results: Based on data analysis, we identified two themes related to their experience visiting the PTM Posbindu: the reasons for visiting the PTM Posbindu and the facilities available at the PTM Posbindu. There are 2 participant 2 participants visited Posbindu PTM because of personal experience, 9 participants visited Posbindu PTM because they experienced illness, and 2 participants visited Posbindu PTM because doctor's advice.
Conclusion: The reason for visiting Posbindu PTM is because of personal experience, the pain felt, and doctors' advice. In the facilities available at Posbindu, PTM is found to be primarily based on patient expectations. However, a tiny number still do not meet patient expectations.Keywords
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DOI: 10.24815/jks.v24i2.36845
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