Obervation of Thymus Regression Time of ALPU chicken

Kamiliyatul Fadhilah, Erina Erina, M Aman Yaman


This study aimed to determine the number of lobes and thymus regression time of ALPU chickens. The samples were 76 ALPU chickens aged 1 – 19 weeks, consisted of 38 male and 38 female chickens. Two male and 2 female chickens were sacrificed every week and the thymus were collected and weighed. The results showed that the increase in thymus weight occurred in the age range of 1 – 15 weeks and reached the maximum weight at the age of 15 weeks. Thymus was decreased in weight at the age of 16 – 17 weeks. Thymus regressesion occurred at the age of 18-19 weeks. The thymus had 5-9 lobes. The result of T test on the average weight of ALPU chicken thymus showed that the weight of male ALPU chicken thymus of starter phase compared with grower phase was significantly different (p<0.05), while the grower phase with finisher phase was not significant or there was no difference (p>0,05). The result of T-test for weight of female ALPU thymus showed that the weight of thymus of starter phase compared to grower phase chickens was significantly different (p<0.05), whereas grower phase with finisher result was not significantly difference (p>0.05).Therefore, it was concluded that the number of thymus lobes of ALPU chickens are 5 - 9 lobes and the time of thymus regression of ALPU chicken occurs at the age of 18 - 19 weeks.


Regression; Thymus; and ALPU chicken

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21157/j.med.vet..v16i2.10221

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