Web-based Water Quality Parameter Monitoring for Bok Coy Hydroponics using Multi Sensors

Indrarini Dyah Irawati, Dadan Nur Ramadan, Sugondo Hadiyoso


The hydroponic planting method is one solution for supplying vegetable needs where agricultural land is limited. Hydroponics allows the growing of vegetables in stages in a limited area by utilizing water as a growing medium. Water quality greatly determines plant fertility, so monitoring must be carried out regularly. Currently, the agricultural sector in Sukabumi has a large potential for the economy of the community. Farmers develop hydroponic farming but monitoring of water quality is still done traditionally. Therefore, in this study, a water quality monitoring system is proposed including pH, turbidity, and temperature. Another parameter that is observed is the water level in the reservoir which is useful for maintaining water circulation. This system works online through the internet network, both the sensing process, data transmission, and data display using the Internet of Things (IoT) platform. The measured parameters can be observed via a web application. Performance evaluation of sensor devices is carried out by comparing the measurement values of standard devices. The test results on the system that has been implemented show that the system has high accuracy, and all parameters are successfully displayed on the web page. The applied systems can increase the fertility of vegetables on hydroponic land so that it can improve the quality of production.


Hydroponic; monitoring; pH; turbidity; temperature

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17529/jre.v18i3.26017

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