Partisipasi Masyarakat Gampong dalam Pembangunan Pasca Lahirnya Undang-Undang Desa No. 6 Tahun 2014 di Kabupaten Aceh Barat
The aims of this study are to describe and to explain the community participation in development after existing and implementing Village Constitutions No. 16, 2014 in Aceh Barat, especially in Gampong Langung and Gampong Peunaga Rayeuk. Method used in this research is qualitative by data collecting techniques are depth interview, observation and documentation. This data is analyzed by using participation theory of Arnstein. The result of research shows that the community participation in these two gampongs, has been running in “partnership” level. This is sixth level of eight stages of participation. This level shows that community have had the power. Community in both gampong has been involved in development planning processes throuht meeting and musrenbang, in the implementation of development programs, also in monitoring and evaluating which are done informally by community and formally by gampong government. The partnership in Gampong Langung has been realized in the community entrepreneurship supported by gampong fund, that is the cultivation of catfish with the profit sharing system with gampong government. Another partnership is a tender process for infrastructure development that involves communities to participate in development. Gampong Langung also have an excellent product “Kue Khas Aceh” which has got a champion at the local, provincial and national levels. The Gampong Langung government also provides a revolving fund for business actors "Kue Khas Aceh" to support community efforts. While Gampong Peunaga Rayeuk with the planning of "catfish smoke" as well as cultivation of catfish as raw material. Catfish cultivation is focused on housewives as partners of gampong. Infrastructure development is also carried out by a tender process at Gampong Peunaga Rayeuk that involves the community.
Keywords: Development, Participation
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