Membrane Modification with Polydopamine to Improve Performances — A Mini Review

Syawaliah Muchtar, Mukramah Yusuf, Sri Mulyati, Yanna Syamsuddin, Umi Fathanah, Ryosuke Takagi


This paper provides an overview of some studies and investigations regarding the utilization of polydopamine as an additive in membrane fabrication. Polydopamine is widely used due to its high hydrophilicity and adhesive properties. The addition of polydopamine in to the membrane system mostly attributed to the improvement of membrane performance in terms of permeation, antifouling, and antibiofouling.


antibacterial; antifouling; bio-adhesive; hydrophilic; membrane fabrication; polydopamine

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Copyright (c) 2023 Syawaliah Muchtar, Mukramah Yusuf, Sri Mulyati, Yanna Syamsuddin, Umi Fathanah, Ryosuke Takagi

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