Pengaruh Rasio Sari Kulit Kopi Arabika Dan Konsentrasi CMC (Carboxyl methyl cellulose) Berbeda Terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Organoleptik Selai Cascara
Abstrak. Penelitian ini tentang selai yang terbuat dari bahan dasar kulit kopi arabika dengan rasio air yang berbeda untuk menghasilkan sari dan penambahan konsentrasi CMC (carboxy methyl cellulose). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh rasio air dengan kulit kopi arabika serta pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi CMC terhadap sifat fisik dan kimia. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu rasio air dengan kulit kopi (R) terdiri dari 3 taraf 1:1, 2:1, 3:1. Faktor kedua yaitu konsentrasi CMC (carboxyl methyl cellulose) (K) terdiri dari 4 taraf 0,5%, 0,75%, 1%, 1,25% dengan pengulangan 3 kali. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah aktivitas antioksidan, uji daya oles dan uji organoleptik (warna, rasa aroma, penerimaan umum). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rasio air yang semakin tinggi menurunkan tingkat persentase antioksidan pada kulit kopi arabika, konsentrasi CMC yang semakin banyak menyebabkan selai cascara sulit di oles pada permukaan roti. Berdasarkan pengujian organoleptik warna, rasa, aroma dan penerimaan umum memiliki rerata nilai 6 yaitu suka dan selai cascara dapat diterima oleh panelis.
The Effect of Different Ratios of Arabica Coffee Skin Juice and CMC (Carboxyl methyl cellulose) Concentrations on the Antioxidant and Organoleptic Activities of Cascara Jam
Abstract. This research was about jam made from Arabica coffee pulp with different water ratios to produce juice and the addition of CMC (carboxy methyl cellulose) concentration. This research aims to determine the effect of the ratio of water to Arabica coffee skins and the effect of adding CMC concentration on physical and chemical properties. The research design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor, namely the ratio of water to coffee pulp (R), consists of three levels: 1:1, 2:1, 3:1. The second factor is the concentration of CMC (carboxyl methyl cellulose) (K), consisting of 4 levels of 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, 1.25% with repetition three times. The analyses carried out were antioxidant activity, spreadability test, and organoleptic test (color, taste, aroma, general acceptability). The results of the research show that a higher water ratio reduces the percentage level of antioxidants in Arabica coffee pulp, the water ratio in different CMC concentration gave significantly different effect (sig<0.05) on the antioxidant value. The higher concentration of CMC makes cascara jam difficult to spread on the surface of the bread. The use of 1.25% CMC gave the lowest spreadibility, meanwhile the use of 0.5% and 0.75% gave spreadibility of cascara jam near 6 scale. Based on organoleptic testing of color, taste, aroma, and general acceptance, it has an average score of 6, and cascara jam can be accepted by the panelists.
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