This study focuses on the data protection of Indonesian citizens in transborder personal data transfers between Indonesia and Japan, which is increasingly relevant in the era of global connectivity and digital advances. Concerns about protection of personal data and security of personal data is increasing following existing progress. This research uses a comparative juridical approach, which allows for a comparison between the legal and regulatory frameworks protecting personal data in the two countries and conducts a comparative study of the two principles. The findings from this study show that Indonesia and Japan have implemented laws to protect the personal data of their citizens. Although there are similarities in the protection of personal data, there are differences in the mechanisms governing the requirements for transborder transfers of personal data between the two countries. This study uses a descriptive-analytic method to provide an overview and analysis of the application of regulations based on applicable legal provisions. The main objective is to analyze the differences and similarities between the two laws to draw general conclusions regarding the approaches and rules applied to the protection of personal data in Indonesia and Japan. Thus, this research provides important insights into the safeguarding of personal data in the context of transborder data transfers between the two country.
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