Kaharuddin Kaharuddin, Muhammad Fauzan, Rianda Dirkareshza, Gilang Abi Zaifa


The purpose of this research is to analyze and discover the concept of fast track legislation adopted for the implementation of decisions made by the Constitutional Court. The research method used is normative-legal research with approaches including legislative regulation analysis, conceptual analysis, comparative analysis, and case analysis. The results and discussion of this research indicate that the issue of implementing Constitutional Court decisions is often influenced by political factors related to the Constitutional Court itself, such as the appointment of Constitutional Court judges by the legislative body and the open cumulative list as a means of implementing Constitutional Court decisions, which only provides a pathway for bills outside of the national legislative program (prolegnas) without guaranteeing their swift formation.  The concept of fast track legislation in the United Kingdom emphasizes expediting the process rather than the formation of laws, as regulated by the Human Rights Act 1998. The adoption of the fast track concept in the implementation of Constitutional Court decisions can be realized by expanding the Constitutional Court's authority to decide substantive cases and incorporating mandates for legislative changes through the fast track legislation process, specifically through amendments to Constitutional Court laws.


Fast Track Legislation; Follow-up; Constitutional Court Decision; Substantive Testing

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