Muhammad Ridwansyah, Khairul Fahmi


This article describes the management of Aceh's authority to regulate oil and gas co-management strategies in the sea area after the enactment of Government Regulation No. 23/2015? Normative legal research method with a qualitative approach. Conclusions and suggestions: That the oil and gas management strategy in the sea area in the Helsinki MoU. "Aceh has the right to control 70% of the results of all hydrocarbon reserves and other natural resources located in the territory of Aceh and the territorial sea around Aceh". The juridical analysis of oil and gas management in the sea area leads to the Helsinki MoU explaining that Aceh has the authority over natural resources in the territorial sea in Aceh. Joint management recommendations emphasize that the Government and the Government of Aceh manage oil and gas natural resources back to the Helsinki MoU which Aceh's jurisdiction is up to 200 miles. 


Decentralization, oil, gas, management, marine and areas.



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