Moch. Marsa Taufiqurrohman, Helza Nova Lita, Gress Gustia Adrian Pah


Indonesia's rapidly expanding digital market presents both opportunities and challenges, particularly in balancing innovation with the protection of personal data and fair competition. This research examines the intersection of personal data protection and competition law within the Indonesian legal framework, analyzing the foundational concepts of each and their interrelation in the digital market. Indonesia has taken steps to address these concerns through Law No. 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection and Law No. 5 of 1999 on Competition. However, the research argues that these frameworks require strengthening to address the unique challenges posed by data-driven dominance. The reliance on user consent for data processing is challenged, given the potential for exploitation by dominant players. The research highlights the limitations of traditional competition metrics in the digital age and advocates for a more nuanced approach. This includes recognizing data-driven barriers to entry, rethinking the efficacy of consent, and empowering consumers through data portability and digital literacy initiatives. By strengthening legal frameworks and adopting a more comprehensive approach, Indonesia can foster a digital ecosystem that is both innovative and fair, benefiting all stakeholders.


Personal Data Protection; Competition; Digital Market; Technology; Disruption

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