A Language Analysis of Instructions in The Revised Tenth Grade English Textbook

Lufi Wirmarini Lukman


Instructions in the revised Tenth Grade English Textbook are studied on the language. The questions are how diction, sentence structure, and language style of instructions are, and how the students’ perceptions of the instructions’ language are. This was a qualitative study by observation checklist for language-related phenomenon and an open-ended interview for students’ opinions. The data were analysed descriptively. The diction uses many words and has misspellings. The structure is varied, consisting of imperative, declarative and interrogative sentences, but some are long and ungrammatical. The language style is varied, using negative, positive politeness, solidarity, and deference, using and no pre-sequences, and saying nothing, something off record, and something on record, but is Indonesian-like rather than the effective English. The students said that the instructions are too long, very formal, and confusing. In conclusion, the language of the instructions is not effective. The suggestion is to relate the instructions to students’ level of English proficiency.


Instructions; Diction; Structure; Style; Students’ Perceptions

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