The Use of Peer Assessment in Speaking Skill

Yusna Musfirah


This study describes peer assessment implemention in teaching speaking skill in Senior High School of Methodist Banda Aceh. The study was categorized as descriptive study in which the researcher served as an active observer. The research participants in this research were the first-year students and a teacher who applied peer assessment technique in the senior high school of Methodist Banda Aceh.The researcher applied a subsequent process method by observing the classroom using observation sheet, and taking field notes to see the process of implementation of peer assessment. In analyzing the data, the researcher used data reduction, data display, and verification. The implementation process of peer assessment was shown by the classroom observation in three steps; pre-implementation of peer assessment, during peer assessment, and post peer assessment. The researcher also found that the succesfull implementation of peer assessment was because of the teacher’s emphasis on giving score to the peers and raising the students’  motivation to conduct peer assessment, making them confident to perform the peer assessment process.


implementation; peer assessment; speaking skill

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