Assessing the Role of Literary Texts in Students’ Cultural Awareness, Historical Understanding, and Challenges Faced by EFL Students

Tamirat Taye Simel


Literary texts play a crucial role in language classrooms by offering engaging narratives and diverse cultural perspectives that enhance language learning and deepen understanding of cultural and historical contexts. This study investigated the impact of literary texts on cultural awareness and historical experience among 76 undergraduate EFL students selected through availability sampling. Data were collected via questionnaires and interviews with both students and instructors to assess cultural awareness, historical understanding, and challenges faced with literary texts. Quantitative data were analyzed statistically, while qualitative data from interviews were thematically analyzed. The findings revealed that students recognized the positive influence of literary texts on their cultural and historical appreciation. However, a significant gap exists between theoretical understanding and practical application, attributed to challenges such as linguistic complexities, unfamiliar cultural references, and insufficient instructional support. To address these issues, the study recommends integrating interactive discussions and activities that connect literary themes to real-world contexts, enhancing language comprehension support, and fostering a collaborative classroom environment that encourages critical thinking. Additionally, incorporating multimedia resources and diverse literary genres can boost engagement and broaden students’ perspectives on the cultural and historical themes presented in texts. These strategies aim to deepen students’ understanding of literature and improve their ability to apply theoretical concepts effectively in language education.


cultural awareness; historical understanding; literary texts

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