A survey on the process of English teaching at the senior high schools in Aceh Jaya

Ferra Mardani


This study concerned on the teaching process in nine senior high schools in Aceh Jaya in order to see how the teaching methods were used, how materials were developed, and how the assessments were completed. This study was completed using a survey method towards 14 teachers of nine senior high schools in Aceh Jaya and employing questionnaire (as the instrument) in collecting data. The result shows that Aceh Jaya English teachers use the eight common methods (Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method, Contextual Teaching and Learning, Total Physical Response, Communicative Approach, Cooperative Learning, and Scientific Approach) in the teaching process even though the implementation frequency of the methods is different from one another. Also, the teachers are accustomed to develop teaching materials using authentic sources. It terms of assessment, the teachers do assess their students’ achievement, but it is unequal for all four skills. To conclude, the teaching process in Aceh Jaya senior high schools is carried out properly in some aspects, yet, there are some other aspects that need to be adjusted such as providing equal assessment.


Teaching Process; Teaching Methods; Materials Development; Assessment; Aceh Jaya English Teachers

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