Generating Evacuation Route for Tsunami Evacuation Based on Megathrust Scenario Hazard Model in Palabuhanratu Village, Sukabumi, West Java
Palabuhanratu Village is one of the villages in Sukabumi, West Java, that is susceptible to earthquake and tsunami risks. This research intends to revise the tsunami hazard map, undertake a spatial analysis of the distribution of evacuation sites, and identify optimal tsunami evacuation routes. The tsunami hazard map was updated using tsunami modeling with COMCOT based on the worst-case scenario of potential magnitude moment 8.8 for the Megathrust segment in the south of West Java from PuSGeN. This modeling was used to predict the worst probable tsunami impact. On the basis of field survey data regarding the location of evacuation sites, evaluation of the distribution of evacuation sites was conducted. In addition, service area analysis is utilized to assess the service area of the present evacuation site in relation to each hamlet in Palabuhanratu village. Approximately 57.33 percent of the town could be affected by a tsunami, according to the findings of this study. The greatest tsunami height along the coast is expected to be between 18 and 22 meters, and the arrival time is 22 minutes. From a total of 35 hamlets, we determined that two hamlets in the Palabuhanratu village area were not harmed by the tsunami. Because not everyone can reach the evacuation location in time, the findings of this study show the need for an additional vertical evacuation site.
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