Case report: clinical presentation and diagnostic findings in a cat with diabetes mellitus and hepatic-biliary disorders
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder and endocrinopathy characterized by hyperglycemia or a persistent increase in blood glucose levels. This case describes a male domestic cat exhibiting symptoms of vomiting, loss of appetite, and yellowish discoloration of the ears and oral mucosa, which was diagnosed with DM and hepatic-biliary disorders based on serum biochemistry and ultrasonographic examinations. The treatment included insulin injections, antibiotics, antiemetics, a liver supplement, and a specialized diabetic diet. After 14 days of insulin injection and a diabetic diet, the cat’s blood glucose levels returned to normal. A diabetic diet will be provided for the cat throughout its lifetime.
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The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Syiah Kuala University
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Center for Tropical Veterinary Studies of Syiah Kuala University
and Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (PDHI)
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