Author Guidelines
Jurnal Bioleuser is an academic journal dedicated to the advancement of research findings in the field of Biology and its applications. This journal publishes articles, reviews of current topics, and research findings that are of interest to students, lecturers, and researchers associated with the field of biology, particularly from the perspective of science and its approaches. The editorial team of BioLeuser comprises academics from Universitas Syiah Kuala and other universities, both domestic and international.
Review Process
A manuscript will be evaluated by the Editorial Board and several appointed reviewers. The evaluation of a manuscript is based on its contribution to the discipline, accuracy of analysis, conceptual breadth, and clarity of presentation. To ensure that a manuscript is assessed based on its quality, the author's identity is not disclosed to the reviewers during the evaluation process.
Each manuscript submission must be accompanied by a statement confirming that the manuscript is original and has not been published elsewhere.
Information regarding the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript will be communicated after it has been reviewed by the editors. If revisions are suggested, the manuscript will be returned to the author for further action within a specified timeframe.
For accepted manuscripts, copyright will subsequently belong to the Publisher (Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University). The manuscript will be published online on the BIOLEUSER JOURNAL website after undergoing copyediting approved by the author. Similar manuscripts are not permitted to be republished by the author in other media, except with the publisher's permission and in accordance with the applicable publication system.
Writing Guidelines
Manuscripts should be typed on one side of A4-sized white paper (210 x 297 mm), in two columns, single-spaced, using Times New Roman font, size 12 point, with a 2 cm margin on all sides. If additional fonts (symbols) are used, they must be compatible with MS Word-based computers.
Scientific names must conform to the system applicable to each field of science, as should chemical, biochemical nomenclature, and mathematical equations (if any). If regional names are included, they should be presented to avoid ambiguity.
Format of Writing
The manuscript consists of common sections, namely Title, Abstract, Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if any), and References.
The title should be concise, clear, and informative, with a maximum of 20 words, written in Indonesian, except for manuscripts in English, which should also have the title in English. Below the title, the author's name(s) should be listed, consisting of one or more authors (group), without academic titles, written in full. Below the authors, the affiliation of the authors should be included, complete with street name, number, postal code, phone number, and email address (especially for the corresponding author).
The abstract should be written in both Indonesian and English. The abstract should be between 200-250 words, accompanied by keywords, with a maximum of five words arranged alphabetically.
The introduction should include the background, literature review, and research objectives, ideally not exceeding 800 words.
The research methods should be written according to the procedures in conducting the research, emphasizing the working methods and analysis of research parameters.
The results should be written comprehensively, covering important findings that support the content of the manuscript. If the submitted manuscript is a review, "Research Methods" and "Results" should not be included.
The discussion should clearly interpret the results obtained, accompanied by comparisons with other studies.
The conclusion should be written concisely, addressing the objectives expected from the research content.
Acknowledgments (if any) can be included if necessary, but this point is not mandatory in a manuscript.
Figures or tables can be inserted in the manuscript. Figures and tables must be referenced in the manuscript, accompanied by captions that can stand alone, meaning that tables and figures can be read separately from the manuscript due to complete captions.
The references should be written using the name-year system, while in the manuscript, the last name and year should be used. Some examples of writing are as follows:
Bockle, B., Galunsky, B., Muller, R. 1995. Characterization of a keratinolytic serine proteinase from Streptomyces pactum DSM 40530. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61(10): 3705–3710.
Bockle, B., Galunsky, B., Muller, R. 1995. Characterization of a keratinolytic serine proteinase from Streptomyces pactum DSM 40530. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61(10): 3705–3710.
Kormanik, P. P. and A.-C. Mc.Graw. 1984. Quantification of vesicular–arbuscular Mycorrhizae in plant roots. In: Methods and Principles of Mycorrhizal Research (N.C. Schenck, Ed.) 1984. The American Phytopathological Society, Minnesota. pp: 37–45.
Submission Preparation Checklist
- The manuscript to be published is one that has NEVER been published before or is not currently under review elsewhere.
- The manuscript file should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
- If available, URLs for references should be provided.
- The text should be single-spaced; use a 12-point font; use italics rather than underlining (except for URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which can be found in the About the Journal section.
- If publication is accepted, instructions for Ensuring a Blind Review must be followed.