Kewenangan Badan Pertimbangan Jabatan dan Kepangkatan dalam Mengisi Jabatan Struktural
Official Consideration Body Authority and Official Ranking in Fulfilling Structural Position
ABSTRACT: This article is going to answer the consideration given by the Office of Official Rank Consideration and Duty to the Head of District for civil servants who will be appointed in the official ranks. In addition, it also explores the involvement of this body in the selection of the State Civil Apparatus to be appointed in structural positions. This is juridical-normative research. The findings show that the role of the Office of Official Position Consideration and Duty in appointing or choosing a civil servant who will be appointed in a structural position is only limited to the authority of administrative process. This body doe not involve as the final decision-maker, it only performs the administrative duty to be submitted to the head of the region related to the civil servant who will occupy the structural positions. It is recommended that the head of the region should include the Office the decision making process.
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