Call for Papers - Vol. 26, (April, August and Dece

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear Colleagues,

Kanun: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (KJIH) invites scholars and researchers to contribute to the journal’s upcoming publication on specific issue:

Vol 26, No 1 (April 2024):  Islam and Human Rights:  National and Global Perspective

Vol 26, No 2 (August 2024): Legal Reform and Restorative Justice in Various Context

Vol 26, No 3 (December 2024): Law and Justice in Digital Age 


The journal requires original manuscripts based on conceptual/theoretical, historical or empirical studies on the above related topics.  Papers written (in English around 6.000-8.000 words in length) with an inter or multi-disciplinary approach are most welcomed. The information on the journal writing style, reference and article template can be accessed from this link or visit the journal’s website. All paper submissions are subject to two blind reviews.


The deadline of paper submission for April edition is 30 February 2024.

The deadline of paper submission for August edition is 30 May 2024.

The deadline of paper submission for December edition is 30 September 2024.

Please submit your paper through our online system here. For further information, please contact us at We look forward to receiving your contributions.

Muhammad Ya'kub Aiyub Kadir, S.Ag., L.L.M., Ph.D. 

(Editor in Chief)