Gratifikasi sebagai Tindak Pidana Korupsi Terkait Adanya Laporan Penerima Gratifikasi
The Gratification as Corruption in Regard With a Report from a Gratification Receiver
ABSTRACT: A crime of gratification has been legislated in Article 12B of the Act Number 20, 2001 in regards with the Alteration of the Act Number 31, 1999 regarding the Corruption Suppression Act. However, it only applies for a gratification receiver, while a gratifier is ruled in Article 5. Article 12C has provided a possibility that if the receiver may report the KPK (Corruption Suppression Commission) within 30 days sine the acceptance, and Article 12B (1) is not applicable. It means that the act which is against the law of accepting it becoming void; nevertheless the gratifier violates the law. This research aims to explore the existence of gratifier in a corruption case and the absence of a breaching law element of the gratifier if the receiver of gratification reports the KPK (Corruption Suppression Commission). This is juridical normative research. The research shows that the existence of the gratifier of corruption is worded in Article 5 of the Corruption Suppression Act that every gift for a civil servant/official aiming at the gratification receiver commits a thing or omit to do a thing violating his/her duty in order to fulfill the need of the gratifier. The absence of an act violating the law of the gratifier in a corruption case in regard with the report from the gratification receiver is that the gratifier does still violate the law due to the commission, while by the report from the receiver, the act against the law is not avoid. However, the reason for abolishing the punishment is only for the gratification receiver. This recommended that the lawmakers should provide a limit on the meaning of gratification and should be revised hence of Article 12C there is a balance between the receiver and the gratifier.
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