Implikasi Hukum Terkait Pertimbangan Majelis Pendidikan Daerah dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Aceh
The Implementation of Duty and Function of The Province Education Board in the Aceh Governance
ABSTRACT: Article 1 (6) of Qanun Number 3, 2006 on the Organization Arrangement and the Organization Structure and Working Structure of the MPD states that the as one of the governmental organization delaing with the education matters in Aceh providing the policy and consideration for government in regard with the education policy. This research aims to explore the extent of the role of theProvince Education Board in developing the education and the legal consequence of not using the advise, consideration, and suggestions of the body by the Government of Aceh. This is descriptive analytical research by analyzing the data qualitativelyThe research shows that the MPD role has not been well conducted as the Government of Aceh is only wait the advise, consideration, and suggestion of the MPD and the Government of Aceh has no obligation to conduct them. The legal consequences of the Government of Aceh dose not impose them in the policy made, is there is no sanction for both executive and legislative parties due to disobeying the advice, consideration and suggestion of the MPD.
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