Problematika Alokasi dan Distribusi Anggaran Kesehatan pada Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
The Problems of Allocation and Distribution of Health Budget at The Health Office of Central Sulawesi Province
ABSTRACT: Ideally, health funding is actually used to maximally fulfill the needs of the community. Health budgets can be deemed as government instruments in the fulfillment of health rights for citizens. The Health Act requires health financing of at least 10% of APBD (revenue and spending budgets), and 2/3 of the funds are allocated for public expenditures, especially for poor women, and abandoned children. This research uses normative legal writing method, with approach of legislation and conceptual approach. The research shows that the inconsistency between the financing objectives governed by the Health Act and the implementation of the budget. The budget is mostly used for personnel expenditure, not public spending. Expenditures for the institution are strange amount. On the other hand, capital expenditures for additional assets get more portions.
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