Jurnal Pengabdian Rekayasa dan Wirausaha

Jurnal Pengabdian Rekayasa dan Wirausaha (JPRW) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Directorate of Research, Community Service, and Community Development at Universitas Syiah Kuala. JPRW serves as a scholarly platform that welcomes a diverse range of research articles stemming from the collaborative efforts of faculty and student researchers. These articles are presented in the form of comprehensive research papers. The journal releases issues in May and November, contributing to the ongoing discourse in the realms of community engagement and entrepreneurship. 



Template dan Persetujuan Pemindahan

  1. Naskah harus ditulis sesuai dengan template yang disediakan oleh JPRW. Template naskah JPRW dapat diunduh di sini). Kirimkan naskah anda melalui aplikasi Open Journal System dan kirimkan tembusannya ke email jprw@usk.ac.id dalam format Microsoft Word (.doc atau .docx).

  2. Setiap penulis harus mengirimkan persetujuan pemindahan copyright yang telah diisi dan ditandatangani (unduh di sini) ke email jprw@usk.ac.id

Posted: 2024-02-18
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