Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Statistika di Kelas V SD Negeri 3 Peukan Pidie
Problem Based Learning Model is a learning model by focusing student with authentic problem so that student can construct their own mind, to grow and innovate higher skills, to make them believe in themselves. The aim of this research is to know the influence of Problem Based Learning Model toward the student achievement at statistical matery at grade V SD Negeri 3 Peukan Pidie. This research used quantitative approach and experiment by using pre-experimental designs (non-designs) and one shot case study. Sample in this research consist of 33 students, those are 20 male and 13 female. Collecting data by using essay test. Data analysis to prove hypothesis by using t-test. From data analysis and proving hypothesis t-count = 8,12 at significant grade α = 0,05 and dk = n – 1 = 33 – 1 = 32, so distribution list t1 -α (dk) = t1- 0,05(32) found t0.95(32) =1,697. Because t-count ˃ t-table = 8,12 ˃ 1,697 H0 rejected and H1 received. It can be concluded that the significant influence of Problem Based Learning Model toward student achievement at statistical matery at grade V SD Negeri 3 Peukan Pidie.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Fauzi Ali, M. Yamin, Asharaina Asharaina
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Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar dan Humaniora
ISSN: 2715-6664 (Online) | ISSN: 2337-9227 (Print)
Organized by Universitas Syiah Kuala
Published by Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Syiah Kuala
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