Korelasi Ukuran Tubuh terhadap Bobot Badan Sapi Aceh Umur Sapih dan Umur Satu Tahun

Ikhsanuddin Ikhsanuddin, Veronica Margareta Ani Nurgiartiningsih, Kuswati Kuswati, Zainuddin Zainuddin


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung nilai korelasi antara bobot badan dengan ukuran tubuh serta mengestimasi bobot badan (BB) berdasarkan ukuran tubuh. Materi penelitian ini adalah 159 ekor sapi Aceh umur sapih dan umur satu tahun. Metode penelitian adalah studi kasus berdasarkan data bobot sapih dan bobot satu tahun beserta ukuran tubuh sapi Aceh. Hasil penelitian pada sapi Aceh umur sapih menunjukkan korelasi bobot badan dengan lingkar dada, panjang badan, dan tinggi pundak berturut-turut 0.65, 0,56 dan 0,64, sedangkan nilai determinasinya adalah 0,42, 0,30 dan 0,41. Model regresi untuk estimasi bobot badan umur sapih yaitu BB= -30,23 + 0,47LD + 0,13PB + 0,50TP. Untuk sapi Aceh umur satu tahun nilai korelasi bobot badan dengan lingkar dada, panjang badan, dan tinggi pundak berturut-turut 0.69, 0,58 dan 0,55, nilai determinasinya adalah 0,47, 0,34 dan 0,30. Persamaan garis regresi untuk sapi Aceh umur satu tahun yaitu BB = -44,96 + 0,72LD + 0,46PB + 0,24TP. Berdasarkan hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa korelasi lingkar dada dengan bobot badan memiliki hubungan paling kuat dibandingkan dengan panjang badan dan tinggi pundak. 


(Correlation between body size and body weight of Aceh Cattle at weaning and yearling age) 

ABSTRACT. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between body weight and body size, as well to estimate body weight based on body size. A total of 159 Aceh cattle at weaning and yearling age were used in this study. The method used was a case study based on the data on weaning weight, yearling weight, and body size of Aceh cattle. The results showed that at the weaning age, the correlation values between body weight (BW) with chest circumference (CC), body length (BL), and shoulder height (SH) were 0.65, 0.56, and 0.64, respectively, while the determinant values were 0.42, 0.30, and 0.41, respectively. Regression model for estimating body weight at weaning age was BW = -30.23 + 0.47CC + 0.13BL + 0.50SH. At the yearling age, the correlation values of body weight with chest circumference, body length, and shoulder height were 0.69, 0.58, and 0.55, respectively, while the determinant values were 0.47, 0.34, and 0.30, respectively. The regression equation for yearling Aceh cattle was BW = -44.96 + 0.72CC + 0.46BL + 0.24SH. This study showed that the highest correlation was observed on the body weight with chest circumference compared to those with either body length or shoulder height.


Sapi Aceh; bobot sapih; bobot satu tahun; ukuran tubuh; Aceh cattle; weaning weight; yearling weight; body size

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/agripet.v18i2.12355

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