Penurunan Durasi Berbaring Harian Sapi Berahi, sebagai Peluang untuk Dijadikan Teknologi Otomatisasi Peringatan Dini Sapi Berahi
ABSTRAK. Saat ini sudah tersedia berbagai produk teknologi monitoring kesehatan ternak berdasarkan analisis tingkah laku ternak. Namun belum ada teknologi monitoring berdasarkan tingkah laku yang cocok untuk pemeliharaan intensif seperti di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dasar teknologi monitoring sapi berahi berdasarkan perubahan total durasi berbaring harian antara sapi berahi dengan non berahi. Sebanyak 18 ekor sapi betina Peranakan Ongole (PO) sehat reproduksi ditempatkan pada kandang individu yang terpantau kamera selama 24 jam. Pengambilan data foto posisi berbaring atau berdiri sapi dilakukan tiap 2 menit. Dilakukan penjumlahan durasi total berdiri dan berbaring harian selama satu siklus berahi. Penentuan kondisi berahi menggunakan metode visual dan menggunakan heat detector “Brunstmessgerat”. Uji T test berpasangan dilakukan untuk membandingkan rata-rata berbaring harian sapi non berahi dengan durasi harian sapi berahi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama siklus berahi adalah sebesar 20,3 ± 1,5 hari yang mengindikasikan sapi sehat secara reproduksi dan mendapatkan ketercukupan nutrisi pakan. Data total durasi berbaring harian yang didapatkan dari hasil tangkapan foto kamera menunjukkan sebaran data yang terdistribusi normal dan terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antara total durasi berbaring harian sapi berahi 49,83% dengan rata-rata total durasi berbaring harian sapi non berahi 53,60%. Hasil ini membuka peluang untuk dikembangkan menjadi teknologi monitoring sapi berahi berdasarkan perbedaan tingkah laku berbaring sapi.
(Decreasing of the total daily lying behavior on oestrus cow, as an opportunity to become an automatic warning system for oestrus cows)
ABSTRACT. Today, various livestock health monitoring technology products based on the analysis of livestock behavior are available. However, there is no behavior-based monitoring technology suitable for intensive maintenance such as in Indonesia. This study aims is to obtain the basic monitoring technology for heat cows based on changes of the total daily lying behavior duration between oestrus and non oestrus cows. A total of 18 healthy PO cows were placed in individual pan which were monitored by the camera in 24 hours a day. Collecting photo data from lying or standing position of the cow was done every 2 minutes. The total duration of daily standing and lying behavior for one oestrus cycle was done. The determination of the heat condition used a visual method and a heat detector manufactured by Brunstmessgerat. Paired T-test was conducted to compare the average daily lying behavior of oestrus and non oestrus cows. The results showed that the oestrus cycle length was 20,3 ± 1,5 days, which indicated that the cows were reproductively healthy and had adequate feed nutrition. The total daily lying behavior duration data obtained from the camera photo captures showed that the distribution of data is normally distributed and there is a significant difference between the total daily lying behavior duration of oestrus 49,83% and non oestrus 53,60%. This result opens the opportunity to be developed into a monitoring technology for oestrus cows based on differences in the lying behavior.
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