Konsentrasi Superoxydase Dismutase (SOD) dan Malondialdehyda (MDA) Semen Cair Kambing Boer selama Pendinginan Menggunakan Pengencer Air Kelapa

Muhammad Ade Salim, Muhammad Nur Ihsan, Nurul Isnaini, Trinil Susilawati


ABSTRACT. Lama simpan semen cair yang berbahan dasar pengencer air kelapa muda varietas kelapa hijau (C.Viridis) hanya mampu bertahan selama 3 hari pada suhu 50C akibat peroksidasi lipid yang menyebabkan kerusakan membran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan pengencer air kelapa terhadap konsentrasi Superoxydase Dismutase (SOD) dan kadar Malondialdehyda (MDA) semen cair kambing Boer selama penyimpanan dingin. Durasi penelitian satu bulan bertempat di Laboratorium Fakultas Kedokteran dan Laboratorium Reproduksi Ternak, Unit Sumber Sekar, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Metode penelitian yaitu eksperimen. Dikoleksi dari semen 3 pejantan Boer umur 3-5 tahun interval 1 minggu 1 kali menggunakan Vagina Buatan. Air kelapa muda varietas viridis umur 5-7 bulan serta tris aminomethane sebagai kontrol. Rancangan penelitian didesain menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 perlakuan yaitu P0 (tris aminomethane + 10% Kuning Telur) dan P1 (air kelapa muda varietas viridis + 10% Kuning Telur) masing-masing diulang 3 kali. Data dianalisis dengan analisis Ragam (Anova) dengan software Genstat 18. Variabelnya yaitu konsentrasi SOD dan MDA. Hasil penelitian diperoleh untuk SOD P0 H1= 35,842 ± 1,82 ; H3= 33,342± 3,50 dan H8= 23,729± 9,02 dalam ng/100 ug. Untuk P1 diperoleh rerata H1 =36,676±2,19 ; H3= 36,527±2,20 ; H8= 24,830± 8,93 dalam ng/100ug. Kadar MDA P0 H1= 1,072±0,2 ; H3= 1,218± 0,4 dan H8= 1,439± 0,3 dalam ng/100ug. Hasil P1 H1= 0,941± 0,0 ; H3= 1,160± 0,4 dan H8= 1,370± 0,3. Hasil Anova Perlakuan tidak berpengaruh Nyata (P>0,05) disemua hari simpan, tetapi konsentrasi SOD terbaik di P1 dibandingkan P0. Kesimpulan 1. Penggunaan air kelapa sebagai pengencer semen cair kambing Boer selama pendinginan tidak berdampak pada konsentrasi SOD dan MDA. 2. Peningkatan konsentrasi MDA dan Penurunan konsentrasi SOD disebabkan karena, rendahnya antioksidant flavonoid dan vitamin C. 


(Concentration of Superoxydase Dismutase (SOD) and Malondialdehyda (MDA) Goat Boer Liquid Semen during Cooling using Coconut Water Diluent) 

ABSTRAK. The shelf life of young coconut water thinner viridis for liquid semen quality Boer goat is only up to 3 days, because there is damage due to lipid peroxidation which causes damage to the spermatozoa membrane. This study aims to analyze the effect of using coconut water thinner on the concentration of Superoxydase Dismutase (SOD) and levels of Malondialdehyda in Boer goat liquid semen during cold storage. The duration of the research is one month at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine and the Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, Sumber Sekar Unit, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University, Malang. The research method is experimental. Collected from the semen of 3 Boer males aged 3-5 years 1 week interval using Artificial Vagina. Young viridis coconut water aged 5-7 months and tris aminomethane as a control. The research design was designed using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 treatments, namely T0 (tris aminomethane + 10% EY) and T1 (viridis young coconut water + 10% EY) each repeated 3 times. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (Anova) with Genstat 18 software. The variables were SOD and MDA concentrations. The results obtained for SOD T0 D1 = 35.842 ± 1.82; D3 = 33.342 ± 3.50 and D8 = 23.729 ± 9.02 in ng / 100 ug. For T1, the mean D1 = 36.676 ± 2.19; D3 = 36,527 ± 2.20; D8 = 24,830 ± 8.93 in ng / 100ug. MDA levels T0 D1 = 1.072 ± 0.2; D3 = 1.218 ± 0.4 and D8 = 1.439 ± 0.3 in ng / 100ug. Result of T1 H1 = 0.941 ± 0.0; D3 = 1.160 ± 0.4 and D8 = 1.370 ± 0.3. The results of the ANOVA treatment had no significant effect (P> 0.05) on all storage days, but the best SOD concentration was in T1 compared to T0. The conclusion is that 1. The use of coconut water as a liquid Boer goat semen thinner during cooling has no impact on the SOD and MDA concentrations. 2. Increased MDA concentrations and decreased SOD concentrations were due to low flavonoid and vitamin C antioxidants.


air kelapa; Boer; coconut water; Kambing Boer; Malondialdehyda; Superoxydase Dismutase

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/agripet.v22i1.20073

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