Motilitas Spermatozoa Ayam Kampung dalam Pengencer Air Kelapa, NaCl Fisiologis dan Air Kelapa-NaCl Fisiologis pada 25-29°C

Triva Murtina Lubis


Spermatozoa motility of local chicken in coconut water, physiological nacl and physiological nacl-coconut water at 25-29°c)

ABSTRACT. This study aimed to determine the effect of coconut water diluent, physiological NaCl and combination of coconut water-physiological NaCl to the survival of chicken spermatozoa at room temperature (25-29°C). Semen was collected from a local chicken of 1.5 years old with weight of 2 kg in massage twice a week. Once evaluated, a good quality semen was divided into 3 treatment groups: coconut water (P1), physiological saline (P2), and its combination (P3) with the addition of 20% egg yolk [(P1) 80:0:20 (P2) 0:80:20 and (P3) 40:40:20] and stored at room temperature. Evaluation of spermatozoa motility conducted every 1 hour until reaching 40% of spermatozoa motility. Data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with design patterns Split-plot and if there are differences between treatments tested by Duncan's multiple test. The results showed that motility of spermatozoa is significantly different (p <0.05) between storage time and diluent and there are interactions between storage time and diluent. P2 is able to maintain the minimum percentage of inseminated sperm motility (40%) for 4 hours, followed by P3 for 1 hour, and the lowest percentage motility of spermatozoa present in P1 for 0 hours. It can be concluded that the percentage of spermatozoa motility in group P2 is higher than P1 and P3.


sperm motility; physiological saline; coconut water; local chicken

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