Penggunaan Tepung Limbah Jus Jeruk (citrus sinensis) dalam Ransum terhadap Kualitas Karkas Ayam Broiler

Ucop Haroen


ABSTRAK. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh tingkat penggunaan tepung limbah jus jeruk (Citrus sinensis) dalam ransum terhadap kualitas karkas (bobot potong, bobot karkas, persentase karkas, kolesterol karkas, bobot lemak abdomen) dan konsumsi ransum ayam broiler. Materi yang digunakan adalah ayam broiler umur satu hari unsex, strain Arbor Acres CP 707 sebanyak 200 ekor. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap terdiri 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan masing-masing ulangan terdiri dari 10 ekor ayam. Perlakuan terdiri dari P0 = Ransum mengandung 0% tepung limbah jus jeruk (kontrol positif); P1 = Ransum mengandung 0% tepung limbah jus dengan penambahan basitrasin 0,02% (kontrol negatif); P2 = jeruk mengandung 5% tepung limbah jus jeruk; P3 = Ransum mengandung 10% tepung limbah jus jeruk; P4 = Ransum 15% tepung limbah jus jeruk. Variabel yang diamati adalah kualitas karkas (bobot potong, bobot karkas, persentase karkas, kolesterol karkas, lemak abdomen) dan konsumsi ransum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan tepung limbah jus jeruk dalam ransum nyata (P<0,05) menurunkan konsumsi ransum, bobot potong, bobot karkas, kolesterol karkas dan bobot lemak abdomen, tetapi penggunaan tepung limbah jus jeruk dalam ransum tidak mempengaruhi persentase karkas. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan tepung limbah jus jeruk (Citrus sinensis) dapat digunakan sampai taraf 5% dalam ransum ayam broiler.


(The use of orange (citrus sinensis) juice by products in the ration on carcass quality of broiler chickens)

ABSTRACT. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of orange (Citrus sinensis) juice by products in rations on (carcass quality) ; weight of slaughter, carcass weight, carcasspercentages, abdominal fat weight and feed intake of broiler chicks. A total of two hundred unsexed 1 d-old chicks (Arbor Acres CP-707) used. The design used was Completely Randomized Design consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications of each replication consisting of 10 chickens. Feed treatment consisted of P0 = 0% orange juice waste flour (positive control); P1 = 0% waste juice flour with 0.02% basitratin addition (negative control); P2 = 5% orange juice flour waste; P3 = 10% orange juice flour waste; P4 = 15% orange juice flour waste. The variables observed were carcass quality (cut weight, carcass weight, carcass percentage, carcass cholesterol, abdominal fat) and ration consumption..The results showed that the use of orange juice flour in the ration significantly influenced (P <0.05) in reducing the consumption of ration, cut weight, carcass weight, carcass cholesterol and abdominal fat weight, but the use of orange juice waste flour in the ration did not affect the percentage of carcass . As a conclusion is the use of orange juice waste flour (Citrus sinensis) can be used to a level of 5% in broiler chicken rations.


broiler; kualitas karkas; limbah jus jeruk; broilers; carcass quality; antibiotic and orange juice by products

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