Pengaruh Isolat Bakteri Asam Laktat dari Feses Pedet Sapi Perah Baru Lahir Terhadap Produksi Asam Laktat dan Perubahan pH pada Ampas Tahu

Ismail Jasin, Zaenal Bachrudin


The effect of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolate culture from  young calves feces on the lactic acid production and ph tofu waste

ABSTRACT.  The objective of this study was to study the effect of  isolated lactic acid bacteria (BAL) addition on lactic acid production and pH of  tofu waste and   for improving  the  expired   tofu waste  industry. Inoculum from   liquid  media  as  starter was applied  anaerobically  for  0%;  5%  and  10%  and  different  incubation  time  were  0;  3;  6; 12;  24; 48  and  72  hours.  Variabel  measure in  this  study  were  lactic acid  production  and  pH. The  different level addition   level  of  inoculum percentage applied in tofu waste improve    expired date of tofu  waste  industry,  and  incubation time very significantly increase  lactic acid  production   (P<0.01). As a  conclusion  of  this study  showed  that 10%  of inoculum   and  24 hours  incubation  perform an optimum  of  tofu  waste  industry  fermentation.   


waste industry; mix culture of LAB; fermentation

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