Perbandingan Model Pendugaan Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) dan Protein Tercerna pada Domba Garut Jantan yang Diberi Ransum Berbasis Bahan Pakan Lokal
ABSTRAK. Perhitungan total digestible nutrients (TDN) dan Protein tercerna secara biologis seringkali mengalami kesulitan sehingga dilakukan perhitungan dengan menggunakan model pendugaan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membandingkan model pendugaan TDN dan protein tercerna pada domba Garut jantan yang diberi ransum berbahan baku pakan lokal. Dua puluh empat ekor domba Garut diberi ransum berbasis bahan pakan lokal dengan kandungan TDN dan protein berbeda, lalu diukur nilai TDN dan protein tercerna. Nilai keakuratan model pendugaan TDN dan protein tercerna diukur dengan perhitungan ratio prediction to deviation (RPD), Hubungan TDN dan protein tercerna in vivo dengan berbagai model pendugaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi. Model pendugaan yang digunakan untuk mengukur TDN adalah model Sutardi, Wardeh dan Harris et al., sedangkan model pendugaan protein tercerna menggunakan model Beenson dan Knight dan Haris. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa model pendugaan TDN Wardeh lebih akurat dibandingan dengan model Sutardi maupun Beenson dengan nilai ratio prediction to deviation (RDP) = 2,45, R2 = 08629 dan r = 0,9289. Model pendugaan protein tercerna Beenson dan Knight dan Haris tidak dapat digunakan karena memiliki nilai RDP yang sangat rendah. Kesimpulannya model pendugaan Wardeh lebih akurat dalam mengukur TDN pada domba Garut jantan.
(Comparison of the total digestible nutrients (TDN) and digestible proteins models in male Garut sheep fed local feed-based rations)
ABSTRACT. Calculation of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and digested proteins biologically are often difficult, so calculations are made using the estimation model. The study aimed to compare the estimation model of TDN and digestible proteins in male Garut sheep fed local feed-based rations. Twenty-four of male Garut sheep were given various types of rations based on local feed ingredients with different TDN and protein content, then measured the value of TDN and digested protein. Then the accuracy of the TDN and digested protein estimation model was measured by calculating the ratio of prediction to deviation (RPD), while measuring the relationship of TDN and digested proteins In Vivo with various estimation models was carried out using regression analysis. The estimation model used to measure TDN was the Sutardi, Wardeh and Harris et al. models, while the digested protein estimation model is using Beenson and Knight and Haris models. The results show that the Wardeh TDN estimation model is more accurate compared to the Sutardi and Beenson models with the RDP = 2.45, R2 = 0.8629 and r = 0.9289. Beenson and Knight and Haris digestible protein estimation model cannot be used because it has a very low RDP value. The conclusion is Wardeh estimation model is more accurate in measuring TDN in male Garut sheep.
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